I spent the weekend at a nearby lake, hanging out with friends. We have a boat that's over 30 years old, so that keeps us busy! Every season, there's something new that's gone wrong with it. This year one of the freeze plugs popped out of the engine block. We thought that was finally the end of the boat, but were able to repair it and get the boat running once again.
The family cabin is also aging so there is always maintenance to be done to it as well. Some vacation, eh? We spend the entire time fixing things!
At least we had beautiful weather! I was reading a book on the pier (which needs repairs also!) but had to put it down to enjoy the puffy clouds in the big blue sky.
My toddler enjoyed announcing the boats, jet skis, and sailboats that went by. "There goes annoder one! Ahh! There's a lellow sailboat!"
My dog also enjoys the lake very much. He loves the water and jumps in after anything you throw. Once we were trying to play a game of water badminton, but the dog kept jumping in and stealing first the birdie, then our paddles, so we gave up!
Here's a picture of the tree canopy over the park at the lake. I used to play at this park when I was little. I'm reminiscing on the swing, looking up at the trees.
And that was my weekend! And yours?