
Monday, April 6, 2009

Go Green!

The EtsyBloggers theme for their biweekly blog carnival is GREEN in honor of Earth Day, which is April 22! Here are some green things from my shop...

I love recycling and repurposing. Being an artist automatically entitles me to be a packrat, which is a form of recycling. Of course, the catch is you actually have to USE the things you've secreted away in order to qualify as recycling! I always have the best intentions but in reality, I either forget I have them or can't find them when I need them!
Mermaid Song Guest Book


  1. That guest book is lovely! I'm such a procrastinator that I rarely get to my carnival before the last week of the month :P

  2. The trick to needing something you've been hanging on to forever is to finally get rid of it. You will need it the next day.

  3. I like how you think, (being an artist entitles you to be a pack rat).
    Now I, too, have the perfect excuse for my stash of treasures.

  4. love the look of that pendant! feels very medieval to me!


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