
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dreaming of Warmer Weather...

I'm so tired of this cold weather. Temperatures have been about 20 degrees lower around here than normal for months now. I hyperventilate each month upon opening the utilities bill. When will we get a break?!

Instead of sitting here with cold hands and feet wallowing in my misery, I will relive my days on vacation in the Bahamas...ahh, tropical paradise. Warm sand between my toes. Warm water for snorkeling. Pretty fish and sea shells. Sitting in the shade beneath a palm tree, sipping a drink. I need to get out my "Island Paradise" nature sounds CD and it will *almost* be real...and maybe a heating pad to lie on.

This is for the EtsyBloggers Team Carnival, this round hosted by HandmadeBySandi. Thanks Sandi, for this wonderful theme!


  1. oh yes, that carribean blue is delicious! I'm with you!

  2. I just got back from the Bahamas yesterday (via Carnival Dream) and miss it already! We came home to snow, sleet and all sorts of winter yuckiness. The warmth was wonderful and I can't wait until we get our snorkeling photos developed.

    So yeah, I'm right there with you!

  3. sweet!!! And now I REALLY can't wait for warmer weather :P

  4. My visit to the Bahamas was one of my fave trips also :)
    I think we both deserve a trip back!!!

  5. It's really hot here in S'pore. Feb was driest mth in 140 years with only 6.3mm of rain. That's 0.25". So send a little of your cold over!

  6. Gladly, Jane! And you can have some of our rain also! I'm so tired of rain and snow!

  7. Fab photo :-)
    Just looking at it would keep you warm

  8. If I could type a sigh - that's what I would insert right here.
    Looks so peaceful and relaxing. I can just imagine floating away in warm waters right now.... (near freezing at my house today!)


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