
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Exciting News

I have been busy with some behind the scenes work with my blogs. Yes, "blogs", plural! They're blossoming and multiplying!
semi relevant photo of my hydrangeas blossoming last summer...
In truth, I'm just missing warm weather!

I am in the process of separating my blog--One half will be my Emerson Bindery guest books, and this half here will be for my UberArt journals. You'll be seeing some changes in the format here also. Good changes, I hope! ;)

There is some exciting news on my new blog, I'm getting my work published, so go take a peek!!

1 comment:

  1. I am in complete love with your work, just favorited your Etsy shop and became your newest blog member! I too am a mixed media artist working in visual journals, book arts, collage, photography etc, and I can't wait to delve more into your past posts. My blog is art-is-try if you want to check me out.


It is a pleasure to hear from you, I enjoy reading your comments. Much thanks for visiting my blog!