
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Before and After

I've been so busy in my Etsy shop I didn't even notice when this poor little book expired. It has been sitting neglected in my expired items for a month now. I discovered it the other day but had second thoughts about relisting the book without making some changes.

It had 190 views but no hearts. It sat in my shop for 4 months without selling. Hmmm....what's wrong with it? Maybe it just doesn't stand out enough? Too plain? And ironically I called it "The Jane Mini Journal". Plain Jane. This afternoon I took a break from producing and played a little. Here's what I came up with:

How's that for sprucing the little neglected book up?! I took a tag BluebirdLane was so kind to include in a past order, tied a little sprig on it with some seam binding and voila! Not so plain anymore! Hopefully this little book will find a loving home now.

Oh, and by the way, I changed the name too. It's now "Butterfly and Hollyhock Petite Journal". No more plain Jane.


  1. I like it as "Jane," but the tag does spruce it up.

  2. @Splendid- Well, the good thing about the tag is it is removable, so if you liked the "before" best that's easily remedied! :D

  3. Adds a nice touch :) I hope it finds a new home :)


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