
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Closed Door

When one door in life closes, another opens...

After much thought, I have concluded it is time to leave the Etsy Bloggers team. I have enjoyed the relationships built over the course of the last year and I will still be visiting your blogs. My decision to leave has nothing to do with my team mates; my experience with the leadership was the driving factor in my decision that a change needed to be made.

I wish you all the best and hope to continue seeing you in blogland!


  1. I'm sorry to see you go but have enjoyed getting to know you! I wish you all the best too!

  2. Sorry to see another team mate go.. but like you said.. one door closed one door will open.. Wish you luck on everything.. :D

  3. So sorry to see you go! I hope you'll stop in and say hi from time to time! Best wishes :)

  4. sad:(
    Do pop into our thread from time to time to say hello, because we will miss you!

  5. Thanks so much for your well wishes! *sniff*sniff*
    It was a sad decision for me but I know it was for the best. I will visit you all!


It is a pleasure to hear from you, I enjoy reading your comments. Much thanks for visiting my blog!